Living in a Material World
With all the technological advances that we're having every few months or so, the demand for newer better things are increasing. However old the motto, "keep up with the Joneses," still applies to society today. Many know that there is more to life than what it has to offer, like fame, riches, a big house, or sports car, but may choose to dismiss it or are simply content in the current state they are in.
In class, we read a poem about Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson. No doubt, the first thing on my mind was Simon and Garfunkel's Richard Cory.
(Song could be heard by clicking HERE)
We discussed how Richard Cory was a well respected man and how everyone strived to be like him. Many also envied his status in society. When I read this poem, it reminded me about how materialistic the world is in its quest to obtain anything that's better than the "outdated" objects.
We see that Richard Cory had everything one could possibly ask for: riches, fame, ect. but he went about it with a humble attitude. From the poem, one can say he was not one that would flaunt his status. Although he seemed to have everything and was set for life, the end of the poem reveals a different story, "[Richard Cory] went home and put a bullet in his head." Although he lived a life of luxury, there was an internal conflict. In my opinion, it seems as if Richard Cory was not satisfied in all that the world had to offer. He chased everything in the world and came up empty.
Many find what they need to keep them going, whether it be family, faith, friends, love, trust. The world cannot create or provide these things for us. We cannot make the world genuinely love us. We cannot have the same bond with the world that which we could share with our family and friends. Our faith, whether it be in God, our family, or in people we trust, will not fail, but our faith in the world would be fleeting. "All flesh is grass..." (Isaiah 40:6-8)
Also in class this week, our classes wrote an in class essay. When Mr. Burke presented the in class essay example, I marveled at how much better that person was in writing. His use of expansive vocabulary, imagery, and connections to today just left me in awe. It has shown me the concepts I should grasp. Although our ideas were the same along the lines of "without words, ideas are powerless," the writer found so much more to write about than myself. Also, I find myself constrict myself in writing and Mr. Burke said, literature must flow. Literature is art and it should not be held back. Should U2 play their greatest hit only up to the middle? Of course not! Not only will they play it through, but they'll probably have an extensive intro, bridge, and ending; just as my writing should be. I have a lot to learn and as long as I'm willing to learn, I can achieve it.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
"The Wanderer Above a Sea of Fog"

-Why paint the backside of a man instead of showing his face?
-Is he alone?
-Is he on a mission?
-Why on a foggy day and not a sunny day?
-Why does the picture have an ominous feel to it?
-Is the picture foreshadowing the man's destiny?
Response to the Question:
My journey this semester is going to be a rough one. I know where I want to go, but before I can get there, I have to deal with my classes with homework, volunteering, sports and college applications to juggle. My goal is in site, but I've got to work hard to get there just as this man in the painting must work to reach his final destination.
In order for me to reach this goal without completely losing myself in the process, I have things that keep me going like my family, friends and youth group. In the picture, the man is holding a walking stick or cane. This can be interpreted as his item that comforts him. Maybe it reminds him of a fond memory that keeps him going.
The painter painted the backside of the man so that the onlooker could relate to the picture him or herself. For the man to be alone may mean it must be a personal journey. Maybe it is a search for his place in the world.
The ominous feel to the picture, represented by the mists or fog, may foreshadow the trials and tribulations that are to come in the man's journey while he does his best to accomplish his goal. Through these trials and tribulations, he can see out who he is as a person and see what he is made of. It seems like the man is accomplishing his goals one step at a time. Although one may seem to have a goal set for him or herself, there are still unaccounted obstacles that may hinder him from accomplishing his goal, but from the man's stance he looks as if he has prepared himself for both the triumphs and disappointments.
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